Thursday, December 4, 2008


Life is just so strange. When I sit back and ponder over in tranquility then Life comes to me and asks me about my well being but when I really need its assistance it is never by my side. Standing aloof it would be mocking at me. Her friend Destiny also accompanies her and sees me sitting perturbed and bereft. Ever since my childhood I have seen many facets of my friend and foe 'Life'. At times I get angry at her, at times I question her “Why me”. Then I think, doesn't everyone on this globe thinks “Why ME” Personally some experiences may be very shattering but then others also do have some or the other nightmarish encounters with Life.

There are many occasions when I feel very secluded...very isolated. Then I call my best friends to succor me. Do you know who they are? They are “Sweet Memories”, “Love of my well wishers” “Optimism” and “Confidence”. It is just because of them that I come out as a winner in any and every adverse circumstance. When I find myself confined in utter gloominess, I close my eyes, speculate about the problem, recollect my inner strength and what I see in that absolute murk is a ray of hope... a hope that gives me comfort, that assures me of my existence, that avers my triumph on the adversities. “Sweet are the uses of adversity” Very True !!!

This is how life goes on and on... there is never a perfect moment in life it is just how we make it perfect. No, this is not my creativity. I have heard it somewhere but how real it is ! We just keep grumbling about the past and miss out our present, besides spoiling our future.

No, this is not a lecture or my thesis on Life. Its is just my personal outlook. It had been haunting for a long time. Finally, now I have given a robe of words to my perspective.



Debalina said...

hey... life is like that only... superb article... take life as i comes then it wont be strange nd u know everybody is a victim of "why me"


Debalina said...

hey... life is like that only... superb article... take life as it comes then it wont be strange nd u know everybody is a victim of "why me"
