Sometimes misunderstanding and sometimes lack of compatibility and trust on the beloved leads to breaking up of relationships. Agreed, Destiny is a key factor in whatever happens. But why blame Destiny for everything. Isn't it our responsibility to make our relations an affair of joviality. It is a human tendency to blame others for the failures and take credit for the victory. But a human should be courageous enough to hold himself responsible for his deeds. He should be true to his conscience, at least. Being true to oneself is the greatest victory, an immutable achievement.
Each relationship requires some efforts from our side for its sustenance and nourishment. Relationships are like plants. We first sow seeds of feelings, then look after them, give them ingredients of care and affection, wait for their ripening and enjoy them seeing grow and being fructiferous. How content do we feel when we get the bliss of integrity with our loved ones.
Instead of finding faults in others, why don't we look into our follies... instead of trying to change others, we don't we change ourselves for him/ her. If we cannot make things better than we should not worsen them either. Having said that let me make one more point. In the process of changing ourselves for the sake of our much endeared relationship, we should not loose our individuality, our identity. Be what you are but watch out to get rid of false egos, pretensions and anger.
Moreover we should not have many expectations from the other person. After all, s/he is also a human being. And no one on this globe is perfect. We are not God, we are merely humans, erroneous humans.“The lesser the expectations in a relationship, the more the chances of success. “
Sooner or later we will definitely get what we desire for in a relationship. And if we don't, then we alone are responsible for its failure and no one else.