Tuesday, December 9, 2008


How intricate and perplexing is the enigma of relationships. A person enjoys or suffers from the paradox of relationships. Throughout his life, a human being tries to make relations to find succor and have a sense of fruition and endeavors to sustain that affiliation. After all, who wants that his connexion with his loved ones comes to an end. But many a times people are seen mourning about the broken relationships....the relationships which gave them pleasure once, become an object of distress later. Have they thought why does it happen? Instead of asking “Why Me” They should ask “Why I”. Why did I let it happen? Maybe, then they are at ease.

Sometimes misunderstanding and sometimes lack of compatibility and trust on the beloved leads to breaking up of relationships. Agreed, Destiny is a key factor in whatever happens. But why blame Destiny for everything. Isn't it our responsibility to make our relations an affair of joviality. It is a human tendency to blame others for the failures and take credit for the victory. But a human should be courageous enough to hold himself responsible for his deeds. He should be true to his conscience, at least. Being true to oneself is the greatest victory, an immutable achievement.

Each relationship requires some efforts from our side for its sustenance and nourishment. Relationships are like plants. We first sow seeds of feelings, then look after them, give them ingredients of care and affection, wait for their ripening and enjoy them seeing grow and being fructiferous. How content do we feel when we get the bliss of integrity with our loved ones.

Instead of finding faults in others, why don't we look into our follies... instead of trying to change others, we don't we change ourselves for him/ her. If we cannot make things better than we should not worsen them either. Having said that let me make one more point. In the process of changing ourselves for the sake of our much endeared relationship, we should not loose our individuality, our identity. Be what you are but watch out to get rid of false egos, pretensions and anger.

Moreover we should not have many expectations from the other person. After all, s/he is also a human being. And no one on this globe is perfect. We are not God, we are merely humans, erroneous humans.“The lesser the expectations in a relationship, the more the chances of success. “

Sooner or later we will definitely get what we desire for in a relationship. And if we don't, then we alone are responsible for its failure and no one else.


Friday, December 5, 2008


My Parents are the most precious treasure for me. No matter how much may I grow up, how much experience do I gain, never ever can I be like them. My words can fall short to express my gratitude for them. At times I wonder what my parents might have thought when they would have first seen me after my birth and held me in their arms. What was I to them might have been expressed by tears of happiness in their eyes. Or would they have screamed of happiness... I don't know. But I know one of the two expressions is indisputable.

You have seen me growing up and growing older... from crawling to toddling...from walking to running... You have taught me so much about life. I still remember my first lesson of life you taught me. “ Be Brave...Be Honest... and follow your heart and morales...where will success go then !” Oh! How true it is ! I have done exactly what you have taught me. And your teachings and preachings made me the kind of person I am. Firm, steady and confident.

I have always tried to be as you both are. Very loving, affectionate and caring. In adverse circumstances also I have seen you headstrong. Come what may, but your smile has always perched on your lips. I now realize how difficult it might have been to smile in those hard times. But you smiled. And you smiled so that I would not be disturbed. Brave indeed !

My one sigh of pain makes you so perturbed...my one wish becomes the prime concern for you...my one smile makes you the happiest being in this universe. You leave no stone unturned to ensure my happiness. You have inculcated the best values of life and character in me. My existence would have been nothing without your guidance and patronage. You have always helped me realizing my potential and capabilities. You have always been on my side to make my dreams come true.

Even at this juncture of my life when I myself am married and have a set of my own responsibilities, you still are a vital force who inspire me to be a perfectionist. You always adapt and adopt the new circumstances as they come. I know you both might feel lonely at times as I am married and Bhaiya lives far off. But I am always there with you. If not physically then spiritually, but I am.

I pray to God that if I take a rebirth then I should have you both as my parents in each of my birth and rebirth and on and on and on.....


A Tryst On November 21st

Something has changed after 21st November 07. What is that 'something' I may not be able to describe. But something really has. I got a true friend of mine, my soul mate. What HE is to me cannot be said in words. But HE is a very special person in my life who has changed 'something'. I could feel a radical transmutation within me.

That was a day when everyone around me was exhilarated. I could see all happy faces around me, smiling and laughing, giggling and chuckling. That was my Wedding Day. I was starting a new chapter of my life. With no idea of what will follow after the big day, I stepped forward. I cannot forget the moment when HE first spoke to me, when HE first held my hand, when HE first embraced me, when HE first gave an impression of his love. It was the most stupefying moment I could recollect from my memory. Gathering all my courage I responded to his embrace and for the first time I felt how secure I was in his arms, how soothing was to be in his company.

This Mr. HE is nobody but you my dear HUSBAND. You have given a new color to my life, changed 'something' within me. I am a changed person now. And that I owe to you. How good is to love and be loved, to care and be cared, to pamper and be pampered, to support and be supported. Each moment that goes by makes our relation all the more strong. My life would have been different from what it is now hadn't I met you.

No word or phrase can make an estimation of the depth of my love for my dear Husband. All I can write is “I LOVE YOU”.


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Life is just so strange. When I sit back and ponder over in tranquility then Life comes to me and asks me about my well being but when I really need its assistance it is never by my side. Standing aloof it would be mocking at me. Her friend Destiny also accompanies her and sees me sitting perturbed and bereft. Ever since my childhood I have seen many facets of my friend and foe 'Life'. At times I get angry at her, at times I question her “Why me”. Then I think, doesn't everyone on this globe thinks “Why ME” Personally some experiences may be very shattering but then others also do have some or the other nightmarish encounters with Life.

There are many occasions when I feel very secluded...very isolated. Then I call my best friends to succor me. Do you know who they are? They are “Sweet Memories”, “Love of my well wishers” “Optimism” and “Confidence”. It is just because of them that I come out as a winner in any and every adverse circumstance. When I find myself confined in utter gloominess, I close my eyes, speculate about the problem, recollect my inner strength and what I see in that absolute murk is a ray of hope... a hope that gives me comfort, that assures me of my existence, that avers my triumph on the adversities. “Sweet are the uses of adversity” Very True !!!

This is how life goes on and on... there is never a perfect moment in life it is just how we make it perfect. No, this is not my creativity. I have heard it somewhere but how real it is ! We just keep grumbling about the past and miss out our present, besides spoiling our future.

No, this is not a lecture or my thesis on Life. Its is just my personal outlook. It had been haunting for a long time. Finally, now I have given a robe of words to my perspective.
